She loves my book!!


I opened my inbox this morning to find a message from an old friend in England. I'd sent her my book (in Word) to read a while ago but she's just been too busy to get round to it - new job, holiday, etc. So imagine my surprise when I read this...

"Last night...I opened up your book to just re-read the first bit I'd read before when you had it on the website ( 
It was about 1am before I stopped reading!!!!
I've got up today and I'm straight back into it. Can't put it down!
Gabriel has disappeared in the mountains!

I've so much I'm supposed to be doing today, but I'm hoping another hour with the word doc before I move will be the best plan.
I'd love to tell you all about my holiday and the new job, but I've a book to read!!!!!"

A couple of hours later, I received another email from her...
"I've finished the book, what a fabulous read it was. I can see the movie version already. It really would make a good movie.
However I've just got to know what happens to Lilly's dad.
Please tell me there's a Raven II?
All in all a bloody good read missus. I hope you are very very proud of yourself!
Excellent work!" 

Needless to say, I'm delighted. 
Unfortunately, one of my 'editors' has had computer problems and isn't able to continue reading and editing Raven for a day or so. Therefore my book is delayed by a week. Fingers crossed, I'll have all notes back in the next few days and Raven will finally be launched at the beginning of next week.


  1. Hi Suzy, I can't wait to read Raven, as I thoroughly enjoyed the first few chapters. I wish you much success with your writing! Well done! Chat soon, Anna x

  2. Thanks Anna!! Fantastic to hear from you, lovely! xx

  3. Fantastic! You must be sooo happy! xx

  4. Wow Suzy! That is amazing! I bet that made your day, or more like your week!

    Congrats! You're a genius! ;)

    Angeline Kace

  5. Thanks Jennifer, Pauline and Angeline - you're all such stars!!

    Angeline... us geniuses gotta stick together!!!! x

  6. That is wonderful news! Now she's got me waiting to read it.

  7. I am confident about your success. Big kiss and bags of positive thoughts. Things are really happening now!! miss you


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