Being Retro Blog Tour


Something a little different today! I'm helping out in the Being Retro Blog Tour. To keep up with the tour, and find out all the fun stuff that's been going on, check out Being Retro ...

A Celebrity Story by Jeremy Hawkins
So here we go again another date, another convention and me getting to meet one of the men behind one of the famous masks to date… Yes Jason Voorhees! Now the man I am talking about has played him in Friday the 13th 7, 8 and 9, he is Kane Hodder. 
I thought I would share this little story about attacking Kane Hodder in the hallway this leads to the ever famous “strangling” that has become a staple at conventions across the globe. So my friend Mike O went to this convention called “Weekend of Horrors (1991)” first horror convention I think. We went to Kane’s panel and were mesmerized by the man and the sharing of the stories; at this point he was discussing “Jason Goes To Hell”. This kind of tells you what year it was, so jump forward he is leaving the stage to sign a group of autographs in some other room. We sort of tackle the man because we didn’t think we wanted to wait in the line.
We are not the only ones at this point to think this out; early conventions did have the security like it does now. So here we jump the man holding him for a photo he obliges with a kind heart, he is great like that. Now when the man who plays Jason Voorhees asks you if you are coming to get an autograph… you of course say “Hell Yes”.
So I wanted to thank you and Suzy for sticking around, you all know I still have not answered the GEORGE TAKEI stumping question… I promise too! So if you follow the tour you will not want to miss it because it will be the last in the dates. Thank you all again...

Being Retro

It's a four book series 40 pages each and it is the art/design from things I had designed over the years. It's a mish-mash of things that I had seen in my head... and some are future designs that will become shirts. Places I wanted to go artistically as you travel from where I was to where I am now. Is it great journey! Titles came from the idea of time "12:34, 35, 36 and 37” seems that is when my best ideas came to me... day or night. It's funny I never considered myself a "writer" just a man who likes to paint a canvas if it be words or my art/design.

Giveaways: Some great prizes being given away please stop over at my main page “BEING RETRO” and look just below the header for the “It’s Time” Tour Giveaway link and enter today.

Thank You, for letting me play host and to all who took the “time” to read this… you are all the best.

Jeremy Hawkins
Being Retro


  1. Jason Voorhees is my hero. So fun you had the chance to meet Kane.

    1. it's really cool... when they maintain a respect for the fans and Kane does.

  2. You did get a photo though! One different than anybody else that day.
    Did you ever interview him at some point later on?

    1. i am working on the current interview with his people... and fingers crossed!

  3. Nice that he took the time, instead of making you wait.

    1. in 1991... conventions were more assessable to fans and it was good. now it's a business to squeeze every dime we have.

  4. Like David says: it sounds like he was a nice man and did well by you!

    1. it was a glorious time.. i wish i could go back now with modern stuff for better coverage.

  5. My son is named Jason, and for Halloween one year hubby and I went to work dressed in our usual business suits with Jason masks and butcher knives. Fun day had by all, no one disagreed with Jason's parents that day.

  6. that is the coolest thing... i remember going one year as john travolta... zombie, before zombies were cool.

  7. thank you all for being here, sorry for the delays... and Suzy you are the best!!


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