Enscrolled: The Division Chronicles #3
By Connie L. Smith
In the aftermath of the latest battle, the stakes are higher than ever before, and time is hardly an ally to Nicholai’s army of paranormal soldiers. The Tomes remain hidden, their secrets the only chance the warriors possess of forever closing the Division and saving their world from a brutal finale. But with every second that passes, the Division expands, more demons – equipped with an incurable toxin – managing to enter the realm to inflict their terror where they can. The clock is ticking on the soldiers already tainted with the venom, their lives depending on the quick creation of an unknown antidote. And beyond those worries, reason exists to suspect that magic might be vanishing. Should that belief prove true, the ramifications could cripple the army’s abilities, insurmountably, prior to the war’s conclusion.Never has the conflict felt quite as desperate to the Essenced soldiers, danger escalating and hope lessening with the slow drain of each issue’s hourglass.
Will the answers to these dilemmas surface in time, or will the efforts of the band of warriors fail to prevent the ruin of the world?

Release Date: Fall 2014
McKenna watched him leave before refocusing on Johnny, confused at the expression her boyfriend wore. “What are you smirking at?” He shrugged. “I’m just not sure how this could be such a bad memory. My girl glued to my side.” Wiggling his eyebrows, he continued. “Playing nurse…” “Well, you are poisoned,” she deadpanned. “That puts a damper on these types of situations for most people.” “Oh, you’re serious again.” His smirk broadened. “Are you gonna yell at me like you did when my leg was broken? That was attractive…” Though she fought against it, her smile emerged, spreading over her lips as she shook her head. “You’re impossible. You know that?” “Nah. I just learned along the way how to make my girl smile.” Her grin lingered until her attention descended to his leg, the spot of the poison’s initial contact. Then she frowned, her eyes filling with tears and her hands beginning to tremble. Just ten days, she thought. “Hey.” Johnny cupped her face, gentling bringing her gaze to lock with his. “We’re not gonna think about that because that’s gonna get taken care of.” Tobias again entered the medical room, moving directly to the corner reserved for the cure’s research to recommence his work. “See?” Johnny nodded his head toward the angel. “Look how dedicated he is to finding this. Think of all the soldiers around us who are perfectly capable of getting whatever weird ingredients he comes up with. If you do, ten days will seem like a lifetime, because it’s plenty of time.” And then she was the one smirking. “That’s quite optimistic.” He laughed, shrugging. “I told you that you’re rubbing off on me.” “And you’re trusting others. Like you finally flipped a switch.” “It isn’t like flipping a switch.” He smiled, revisiting the lecture she’d given him while stranded on a cliff. “It’s like deciding not to be in the darkness anymore. You take steps, and the light comes a little at a time until the darkness is gone.” She quirked an eyebrow, chuckling. “That seems vaguely familiar.” “Someone really smart once told me that.” Pulling her closer, he tapped the tip of her nose with his finger. “She was really hot, too.”
About Connie L. Smith

Blog/Main Site: http://clsmithbooks.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clsmithbooks
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7257320.Connie_L_Smith
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