#YAIndieCarnival: Indie Author Series: Kindle/Amazon


I love my Kindle and I love Amazon. Ever since Amazon introduced the KDP programme, it has pretty much changed my life. I know that sounds extreme but it's true. It has enabled me to live my dream of becoming a published author.
Publishing through Amazon's KDP is extremely easy. All you need is a fabulous book in Word format (edited, proofread and ready for the world) and a great cover and you're ready! Seriously, it's as easy as that.
Naturally, there's a lot more to the marketing of your book but once it's out there, well then the world's your oyster, right?
Amazon I heart you!

Oh, and don't forget to download your FREE copy of Daisy Madigan's Paradise here and your FREE copy of Raven here.
1. Laura A. H. Elliott author of Winnemucca & 13 on Halloween, Book 1 in the Teen Halloween Series
2. Bryna Butler, author Midnight Guardian series
3. Heather Self


  1. You do have a fantastic blog!!
    Amazon has been a top seller for me too, but I'm also really glad I have my books with other distributors too.
    Great little post, Suzy :)


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