#AtoZChallenge: U is for Urban Fantasy


I love urban fantasy... I love reading it and I particularly love writing it. But what is urban fantasy? I usually describe it as fantasy set in a modern day world. The more the two interlink, the better.
For example, my current series (The Morgan Sisters) features ghosts, vampires, angels and all other kinds of way out supernatural beings in central London.
My other series (The Raven Saga) features similar creatures but they live in the mountains of western Canada.
Twilight and Harry Potter are two perfect examples of urban fantasy. Do you read it? If so, what is it about the genre that appeals to you?

Don't forget to download your FREE copy of Raven. There are two more books in The Raven Saga: December Moon and The Lost Soul. You can also get a FREE copy of Daisy Madigan's Paradise, a Morgan Sisters novella. The sequel to Daisy Madigan's Paradise is also available: The Ghost of Josiah Grimshaw.


  1. I love Urban Fantasy and Modern Supernatural.
    for me it grew out of my love of horror and my love of reading about kick-ass heroines. I get both in UF/MS.

    I like kick-ass women in my books, not brooding anti-heroes. Plus after years of reading the Elric books everyone else's brooding anti-hero comes off looking like a petulant, emo teen.

    I am huge Harry Potter fan. JKR built such a detailed and fascinating world. I also very fond of Kim Harrison's Hollows (I love Rachel!) and Kelley Armstrong's books. I used to read the Anita Blake novels by LKH but haven't now in many years.

    I have this new one called "Raven" sitting on my to-be-read pile that looks particularly cool too! ;)

  2. LOL thanks! I'm worried you might be a little disappointed though after reading all those awesome books! You should download Daisy Madigan's Paradise too...it's free!
    I love kick ass heroines too, that's the basis of my Morgan Sisters series. Do you write urban fantasy too, Timothy?

    1. I am a game author. So I write RPG books. My focus though is the same genre as Urban Fantasy. I also do Dark Fantasy. I did write the RPG adaptation of Ghosts of Albion and that was a blast.
      My newest book is called The Witch and it about playing witches in a game.

      I have to admit I want to read your books, they do look and sound awesome. I have met a lot great authors through these blog hops and read a lot of great books!

      I do have Daisy Madigan's Paradise too. I love the new cover for the next Morgan Sisters book too. I think that series might actually be closer to my tastes to be honest. But hey, I'll read both!

  3. Aww thanks! I've never been a 'gamer'... I'm totally useless and majorly impatient. Back in the old days of the very first playstation (it might have even been a mega drive or something like that), my husband tried to encourage me to play. So one day, he went off to work and I thought, okay I'll give it a go. So there I was playing Tomb Raider. I kept dying but I saved my game anyway...... only to discover later that I'd saved OVER hubby's game! Ooops.... he never let me near it again!!!
    What is RPG? See... useless!!

  4. RPGs are Role-playing games. Like Dungeons & Dragons. So Amber Benson and Christopher Golden wrote the books of Ghosts of Albion, and I did the Game for it. So people could play in their world.

    I should read Raven or the Morgan Sisters books and do game stats for you!

    Here is what I did for Kim Harrison's kick ass witch Rachel Morgan and her vampire partner Ivy, I stated her up so she could be played in the Ghost of Albion world.
    Rachel and Ivy.

    That's the sort stuff I do. ;)

  5. I recommend that you watch Being Human on SyFy.

  6. Timothy... that is so totally cool! You're super talented, you know that??

    Michael... I've seen the original English series but not the US version. You're right, it is right up my street! :D


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