YA Author Club: Book Length


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It's Friday! YAY! Which means the members of the YA Author Club have gotten together again and today we're talking about book lengths.
Word counts tend to differ depending on the genre. For example, a literary classic averages out at around 138,000 apparently yet some can be up to half a million words. Remember War and Peace? Woah! I never read it. It was far too long for me to enjoy. My books are usually around 70,000 words. I want to keep my readers on their toes, wanting more. Not yawning, wanting less!
When reading, with my heaving TBR list, I'd rather a book took up just a few days of my time before hopping on to the next one. Admittedly, I do bore easily and if a book hasn't grabbed my attention within the first few chapters (and it's still at 1% on my Kindle) I'm likely to skip it.
But what about novellas? Well, with one under my belt (Daisy Madigan's Paradise - it's free by the way, see the link below), I think the perfect word count is around 35,000 words. Any less, and it's more like a short story. Any more and it's more like a full length novel.
But what do you think? Do you get stuck by word counts? Does it bother you if a book is too long? Or too short?

Now come on over and check out the rest of the gang. I also want to say a HUGE WELCOME to our newest member Melika Dannese. If you love vampire stories, then you'll be wanting to check out her books. You'll find her link below.
Don't forget to download your FREE copy of my book, Daisy Madigan's Paradise here and your FREE copy of Raven here.

1. Laura A. H. Elliott
2. Bryna Butler, author Midnight Guardian series
3. T. R. Graves, Author of The Warrior Series
4. Suzy Turner, author of The Raven Saga
5. Rachel Coles, author of Into The Ruins, geek mom blog
6. K. C. Blake, author of Vampires Rule and Crushed
7. Gwenn Wright, author of Filter
8. Liz Long | Just another writer on the loose.
9. Ella James
10. Maureen Murrish
11. YA Sci Fi Author's Ramblings
12. A Little Bit of R&R
13. Melissa Pearl
14. Terah Edun - YA Fantasy
15. Heather Sutherlin - YA Fantasy
16. Melika Dannese Lux, author of Corcitura and City of Lights
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1 comment :

  1. Word count doesn't matter as long as I am intrigued.

    I never War and Peace either...but I have read Gone with the Wind countless times!


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