How do you like my brand new blog design?


Today I'm so excited to be launching my blog's brand new look, designed by the lovely Tara over at Pip Designs. The new look completely sums up my writing and myself... the goth girl represents me (yes, I'm a bit of a closet goth, have been since I was a kid!) as well as one of my favourite characters, Emma Jane Morgan. The background represents the style of my books... a bit dark and eerie with a sprinkling of enchantment. And the main font shows the creepiness that can be found within my stories.
I hope my readers will love it as much as I do! What do you think?


  1. I think I would have had a lot of fun with you if we had been teens together! I knew you had great taste! :)

  2. Hi new follower here, lovely to meet you! I think your blog looks fab especially since it is my fav colour - purple!

  3. Thank you Melanie! I'm in love with it too :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Very nice layout and clean, colorful design - and the caricature is fantastic!

  6. Ha! Had an old pic on my google ID (John Belushi - one of my faves) but I changed it to my book pic - that's why I deleted the above...

  7. LOL Halacious!! Thanks... glad you like it :)

    Claude, thank you so much!! x

    Merry Christmas both of you :)


Made With Love By The Dutch Lady Designs